Mark Blackham and Steve Dufour visit the Deploy Securely podcast

July 15, 2024
5 min read
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Mark Blackham and Steve Dufour sitting in the recording studio.

Leading the Way in AI Governance

In this episode, Embold’s Chief Security and Privacy Officer, Steve Dufour, and Vice President of Engineering, Mark Blackham, joined Walter Haydock to discuss the importance of AI governance on the Deploy Securely podcast.

The group went in depth on how Embold Health delivers value with AI, protects patient data and intellectual property, and the future of AI (governance) in healthcare. Embold’s mission is to help patients find better doctors through our extensive data set. However, this journey hasn't been without its challenges, particularly in security, compliance, and privacy.

Tackling the Challenges

  1. Ensure Business Requirements Include Security and Privacy: Ensure our business requirements for our products align with stringent security and privacy protocols.
  1. Enhance Relevant Policy and Procedure: Update our procedures and security and privacy related policies to stay ahead of potential risks and compliance issues.
  1. Legal Review: Modify our Terms of Use to ensure they meet the highest standards of transparency.

The Critical Need for Well-Governed AI in Healthcare

No sector is in greater need of effective, well-governed AI than healthcare. The United States spends significantly more per person on healthcare than any other nation, yet we find ourselves in the middle of the pack regarding life expectancy. This disparity underscores the urgent need for solutions like ours at Embold Health.


Our work at Embold Health is a testament to the transformative potential of AI when governed responsibly. By prioritizing security, compliance, and privacy, we are not only protecting our innovations, but also building a foundation of trust with our patients and partners. As we continue to navigate the complexities of AI in healthcare, we remain committed to setting the bar for ethical and effective AI governance.

Read about the episode on the Deploy Securely blog: Accelerating AI governance at Embold Health (

Or watch the full episode here: Accelerating AI governance at Embold Health (

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