Gain Insights on Your Practice

Gain actionable and objective insights into physician performance and evidence-based quality standards. We are the only ratings engine that shares the independent data with you, the providers delivering medical care.

Receive Your Personalized Provider Report

Available to providers who practice in one of our scored specialties and meet our standards for confident scoring. Reports are generally completed and sent via email within 5 business days (subject to email verification). If you are requesting reports for multiple providers, please contact

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See the ratings your patients are seeing and how your treatment compares to your peers. By combining rigorous data with the latest best practices, we can measure the effectiveness and appropriateness of your care to help your patients better trust you.

  • Your personalized report with insights based on relevant, risk-adjusted, and statistically significant practice patterns.
  • See how you compare with other physicians in similar disciplines.
  • Improve your reputation and grow your practice by delivering the most appropriate and effective care.
  • Maximize performance for your risk-based contracts with referral insights.